— www.HathaWorld.com —
for the Awareness Recovery Studies Section
Our mission is awareness recovery work and any practical benefits thereof, i.e., the discovery of, investigation into, and experimentation in and with the underlying mechanics of consciousness. We are not doctors, nor do we want to be, nor are we licensed or otherwise authorized by any governmental or educational entity to conduct and/or facilitate any type of legally defined therapy or treatment. Consequently we do not offer nor provide any kind of advice, instruction, diagnosis, or service in regards to the remedy or treatment of or for any type of medical, psychiatric, or any other officially recognized disease or therapeutic modality.
Be it further noted that certain companion subjects of interest are not covered in the awareness recovery oriented material presented herein, these being topics such as nutrition, herbs, regenerative detoxification, energy medicine, bodywork, etc. Although I and other awareness seekers have extensively studied and made wonderful use of these and other areas of interest, these subjects are of themselves adequately researched, treated, and published elsewhere by other authors. As such, these ancillary subjects are not treated here, allowing us to devote all of our writing and communication resources to the pursuit of knowledge relating to the underlying mechanics of consciousness.
Never, never make the stupid and possibly hazardous mistake of using any of the shared awareness recovery concepts and methodology as a reason to avoid, excuse, or put off dealing with personal issues or serious physiological or medical problems, hoping against all odds that you might become aware or enlightened enough at some future time so as to miraculously deal with a difficult issue on your own. Some people like to imagine and hope that by some distant tomorrow they might be able to magically accomplish that which is now utterly impossible, instead of dealing with an issue in present time, when it is usually both easier and safer to do so. Procrastination can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to dealing with serious personal, psychological, and/or medical issues, and doing so may result in prolonged doses of discomfort, upset, pain, and suffering.
You will know first hand if and when it is safe to rely on the personal power generated by eventual improved awareness and the recovery of "lost" aspects of the self. Just follow this simple rule of thumb: If you need to dig a ditch use a shovel, but if and when you are someday aware and powerful enough, so that merely speaking your word causes the earth to move and open up the needed trench of its own accord, then it is probably safe for you to throw away the shovel. In the meantime, keep the shovel and any other digging tools you might need close by and handy. What this means is this: Until you can throw the shovel (and other digging tools) away do not use this awareness recovery work or anything else as an excuse to pretend and/or imagine that you have superhuman and/or magical powers that you do not in truth actually have, and may never possess, all the while avoiding personal, psychological, and/or medical issues.
Be aware that the awareness recovery oriented content presented in this web site is provided "as is" and subject to abrupt change and evolution without notice, and is intended primarily for entertainment and specialized educational purposes only. Anyone who chooses to engage in and/or experiment with any of the awareness recovery ideas or principles mentioned or implied within this web site does so at their own risk, and does so without recourse or remedy. Absolutely no warranty or guarantee whatsoever is intended, given, implied, offered, or suggested as to the applicability, fitness, correctness, trueness, usefulness, or validity of anything written, proposed, or insinuated within this web site. It is the sole responsibility of the reader to determine any suitability, usefulness, or practicality of this material—which is something that may be altogether intangible and impossible to study and/or prove using standard scientific methodology. This means that the author and/or any other entities participating in publishing or distributing any information regarding any aspect of this experimental awareness recovery and/or lifestyle transformation work, including facsimile or other electronic dissemination of any kind, shall neither assume nor have any liability or responsibility to or for any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information, concepts, or ideas, contained within this web site or that may be a result of anything within this web site.
Furthermore, what is shared herein does not comprise a full or complete course in awareness recovery work or anything else. By its very nature, awareness enhancing activities are very unpredictable and often wholly intangible, making it difficult, even impossible, to classify and rigidly define as to exactly what it is, what it is not, what it encompasses, and/or what it might or might not empower. Expect countless mind boggling paradoxes, perceptive reversals, misunderstandings, and wild confusion, which are typically the norm for consciousness and awareness exploration. Anyone engaging and utilizing this awareness recovery work will soon discover that nothing remains constant, and what has been relied upon as an absolute or as a truth may be turned upside down and/or evaporate completely. Even the techniques (tools) for facilitating awareness exploration suggested and/or implied within this web site, which under certain circumstances may be useful or in some cases may seem necessary to begin an awareness journey, are impermanent, to be thrown out and discarded when their usefulness, if any, expires. The upshot here is that nothing herein is real, and ultimately none of it matters.
To explore and/or study this material requires that you be prepared for whatever might occur, taking full and sole responsibility for any upset and/or eventuality. There are no guarantees or warranties whatsoever regarding any aspect of this so-called awareness recovery work and the often unanticipated processes it may spawn and put into play. If you proceed you do so at your own risk, and it is your sole responsibility to anticipate the unknown with all of its surprises, paradoxes, awesome mysteries, and hidden traps, and then deal with it all, as well as with any unintended consequences, in what can be an exciting journey into unlimited personal awareness.
While the possibilities of this awareness work may seem theoretically unlimited, there is absolutely NO intent to either claim, suggest, insinuate, or otherwise imply that this work is, may be, might be, ever could be, or ever will be an adjunct to or take the place of any kind of orthodox and/or traditional medical or physical therapy, psychotherapy, or any other officially or unofficially recognized or sanctioned therapeutic modality. This work might be considered by some people (of their own volition) as a valuable adjunct to a traditional health-care modality, but, in any event, if you have any medical, mental, emotional, or other suspected or diagnosed symptoms and/or problems that may warrant attention or supervision it is your sole responsibility to disclose such information and to seek out and maintain suitable professional services by trained, accredited, and qualified health care practitioners and/or specialists. Likewise, if you are undergoing counseling, therapy, or medical treatments of any sort it is your sole responsibility to inform your health care practitioner or therapist of your intent to study and/or engage in self-help awareness recovery type activities that may initiate and/or intensify symptoms, emotions, stress, and/or other conditions (such as strong anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, etc.) that may influence the extent and/or duration of any current health care program and/or treatment.
Ultimately everyone has Free Will to do as they so please and desire, whether it be this particular awareness recovery work or anything else. By choosing to read and/or study the material in this web site you are demonstrating your premeditated intent to read about, study, experiment with, and/or seek enhanced personal awareness after deliberate forethought and due consideration as defined and set forth by your actions. This deliberate action on your part constitutes a choice to explore unfamiliar and possibly hazardous seeming personal territory with the outcome being quite unknown, unpredictable, and possibly quite frightening, and, as such, you do therefore also agree to abide by the terms, content, and conditions of this advisory notice page, plus any other such cautionary comments, and/or notices that may be located within this web site. It is up to each individual to choose to pursue an awareness recovery and/or lifestyle transformation path, or not. This particular work is generally suitable only for self-starters with a strong predilection toward self-improvement, coupled with an unquenchable thirst to enhance their overall conscious awareness of life and the apparent interactions of their own living energy. Doing this requires an exceptionally self-motivated and courageous individual, and one who is imbued with a steadfast intent and desire to experiment—no matter what perceived obstacles, consequences, or hazards that might be encountered.
If and when someone chooses to use this awareness recovery work for dishonest, nefarious, and/or malevolent purposes please be aware that this will usually turn out to be an unwise, self-defeating, and ultimately an unpleasant choice. It is one thing to be unaware and ignorantly dishonest, but quite another to awarely and honestly choose dishonesty, especially after gaining some knowledge of how consciousness functions (perhaps getting it through this kind of awareness recovery work). The experiential outcome for any entity making a knowledgeable decision for malevolence will tend to be increasingly unpleasant, with anyone not amenable to achieving a higher level of consciousness tending to unwittingly remove and eliminate themselves from a recovery process. This is in part because what one does to others is what they do to themselves in one way or another, and so the reflected outer reality results of their intent and actions will come back at them, ever more showing the gathering and stormy outcome awaiting the perpetrator.
Whatever choice someone holds will sooner or later come back at them in tangible ways, along with a matching vitality and force. It is worth noting that Creation is continually discovering itself and moving toward balanced perfection, while failed dead-end experiments in consciousness will not be renewed but left to naturally self-extinguish themselves. As such, if someone does not honestly have benevolent intent any such individual is strongly advised to not engage in this awareness recovery work. Once someone engages, and reaches a certain unpredictable threshold point, what was once ignorance becomes infused and transformed with knowledge, and when this occurs the ramifications of any choices and actions will express more fervently and often cannot be easily undone. This awareness recovery work tends to be automatically self-cleansing of malevolent intent, not because of anything we might say or do, but because of what the greater forces of consciousness will do, so as to reach its own end goal. Please be aware that this advisory regarding dishonesty applies, one and alike, to both individuals and like-minded groups of any size, no matter any false pretenses, slogans, or promotion suggesting a benevolent purpose.
None. There is no organization, no group, and no dedicated support person of any kind. This means there is no office, center, association, staff, mailing list, newsletter, classes, seminars, person to talk with, or anything else that usually characterizes an organized effort. In fact, there has been no concerted effort put forth to advertise or otherwise promote this awareness recovery material and there may never be any--other than word of mouth and this website. Will this awareness recovery work ever be popular or commercially viable? Probably not, because of its inherently ephemeral, often intangible, sometimes frustratingly difficult, radical, probably controversial, and very often wholly paradoxical nature.
This website does not advertise nor actively solicit readership, nor does it authorize anyone to promote or represent this website or its authors. If someone is supposed to discover this awareness recovery material, it is expected that the individual will do so of their volition, and whether that be by accident or by some miraculous destined calling is up to each and every seeker.
None. This awareness recovery work will probably never be widely accepted; does not adhere to conventionally accepted scientific beliefs and protocols and is far too controversial and offensive in regard to most if not all widely held societal belief systems.
It is important for any reader (or website visitor) to understand up front that there are NO official or dedicated support services offered by any author or any other person mentioned and/or implied within this web site—unless a certain page or article specifically and individually offers such a service, which shall be limited to that page and not applicable to any other page or article. The probable exceptional difficulty of accurately comprehending this material notwithstanding, it is the sole responsibility of the reader to correctly interpret and discover a possible and/or suitable use, if any, for any material herein contained. Moreover, the author of this website is not open to any engagements, does not receive visitors, nor grant interviews, or enter into any general correspondence with website readers.
It is important for a prospective new student to recognize that as this awareness recovery work proceeds, and a more advanced student resolves various limiting attitudes and judgmental programming, this increasingly aware person becomes ever more incapable of seeing and feeling things that a new student must deal with and resolve. Consequently, this ever-widening gap precludes anyone with sufficiently enhanced awareness from accurately comprehending the needs of a new student, as the advanced awareness student can only see and feel things from their enhanced and often exceptionally different perspective.
The principal author of this published material is not generally open to any engagements, such as participating in or with workshops, seminars, podcasts, debates, interviews, or any exhibitions or recruiting oriented events, and does not receive visitors nor enter into any correspondence and/or discussions with website visitors. Moreover, the author does not indulge in dispensing any diagnostic advice, making predictions, telling fortunes, teaching divination or psychometry, and no evocations. The author’s sole interest is in understanding and the practical utilization of the underlying mechanics of consciousness, whereas indulging in any of the above mentioned or similar relatively superficial pursuits tend to be a vain diversion that no longer provides the necessary learning experiences once usefully necessary and enjoyed.
The content on this web site is protected under copyright law. The visitor to this Internet web site is authorized to download and make use of its content for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Any further use, reproduction, or modification of this material is prohibited without the expressed written permission of the author.